Festiwal Organizacji Pozarządowych 7.09.2024
Prezentowane projekty realizowane we współpracy
z organizacjami krajowymi i międzynarodowymi
Presented projects implemented in cooperation with national and international organizations
Nr: EOG/21/K1/D1/W/0017- Professional Development of Staff
Exchange of good practices and update of knowledge in the Child Wealfare Education area
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
Głównym celem Programu jest zmniejszanie różnic ekonomicznych i społecznych w obrębie Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego
oraz wzmacnianie stosunków dwustronnych pomiędzy Polską a Państwami-Darczyńcami (Islandia, Liechtenstein, Norwegia) w obszarze edukacji.
Study visit organized by:
Save a Child Jonsvannsaveien 70 7052 Trondheim Norway
Fundacja Family Center ul.Jainty 18/1 41-902 Bytom Poland
Projekt: The Child Wealfare and Education Gap korzysta z dofinansowania o wartości 10 000 Eur otrzymanego od Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach Funduszy EOG.
Celem projektu jest nawiązanie nowego partnerstwa pomiędzy instytucjami z Polski i Norwegii, dzięki któremu będzie możliwe uzyskanie nowej wiedzy i doświadczenia.
Rezultat 1
Promoting inclusion in intergenaration dance – Improving the competences of educators
Acronim: Inclusive Intergeneration Dance
KA210-ADU - Small Scale Partnerships in the Sector Adult education
The main objective of the project is to:
Exchange good practices on promoting inclusion through education activities intergenerational.
The Project aims to help learners seniors Access useful educational content.
The subject of the Project is important from the point of view of the objectives and priorities of the Action - AE. Adult learning and open education have become key elements in Europe. Partner organizations show great interest
Intergenerational arts practice, Inclusive Intergeneration group dance.
It becomes necessary to move away from traditional models of adult education and reliance on intergenerational education with out introducing differentiation from regardless of age.
Project objectives have been defined that are realistic and address the needs and intentions of the participating organizations and the needs of the target groups.
We intend to implement:
Objective 1.Increasing educational diversity and the use of an integrative form, in particular group intergenerational dance.
Objective 2 - Staff equipment adult education in the competences needed to involve people with fewer opportunities.
Objective 3–Inclusion the intergenerational dimension in the educational context of the countries involved in the project.
Coordinator: Fundacja Family Center POLAND
FolkFest Cultural Association HUNGARY
WorkExperienceAgencyLtd IRELAND
AssociacioProgramesEducatius Open Europe SPAIN
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3
Broken Relationships - Improving parental competences in adult education
Nadłamane relacje - Wzmocnienie kompetencji rodzicielskich w edukacji dorosłych
Nr: 2021-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000019064
The needs and challenges related to the development of the Fundacja Family Center organization, covered the following areas: adult learners/parents, teaching staff and organization. The current need was to develop parental competences. The restrictions related to the pandemic and the change in lifestyle have had a negative impact on the family. Insufficient parental competence caused difficulties in being a supportive parent. The staff of the organization needed to carry out activities in an international environment. Action type: Conducting didactic classes created an opportunity to educate parents in a multicultural environment. Mobility made it possible to confront the own experiences of the educational staff from Poland in the field of classes improving parental competences. Staff mobility has contributed to strengthening the European dimension of learning. The organization needed professional staff with the skills to conduct educational activities in English. The challenges faced by the organization were taken up through the support of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Through the implementation of the project, we wanted to achieve the following goals:
Objective 1: Improving the skills of parents through education in the area of parental competence.
Objective 2 was related to the need to strengthen educational cooperation by taking action at the international level.
Objective 3: Increasing the language competences of the staff in the field of conducting educational activities in English online and offline.
- Mobility of adults learning the GRP. The mobility participants were adult learners/parents - Austria.
- Mobility (TEA) - Conducting didactic activities Teaching or training assignments The participants were the staff of the organization in Italy.
- Training course CRS: General English Fluency. The participants of the mobility were the organization's staff and volunteers in Austria.
Folder - Broken Relationships
Kultura zapobiegania ryzyku - rozwój kompetencji edukatorów rodziców
No: 2020-1-PL01-KA104-080356
The Culture of Risk Prevention – the development of family educators’ competence
Biuletyn - Kultura bezpieczeństwa w rodzinie
Access to Music and Opera - Social inclusion through Arts
The context of the project responds to the need to implement the A.M.O.S.
A creativity partnership engages adult education organizations together with organizations from the cultural sector. The external context of the project is related to the COVID-19 situation, which caused the crisis in the cultural sector. When planning a project partners; knowledge and experience were used. The partners prepared a preliminary review / analysis of opera / arts education. We note the need for a change in scope perception of opera as an elite and exclusive habit.
Opera is an intangible human heritage. Opera is an international language and its stories reflect an understanding of human nature and contribute to the values of freedom and tolerance (World Opera Day 2020, Operavision). The project undertakes a dialogue between activities that opera education deals with as a way to develop a creative and innovative educational tradition using this art form.
The main goal of the project is to improve activities in the development of parents cultural competences and on this basis to propose good practices conducive to implementation activities. This is consistent with Europe, Creative Clush. Artistic Intervensions - Increasing access to culture.
Detailed objectives:
- Illustrate the importance of context for developing parents' cultural competences.
- Exchange of good practices and experiences on social inclusion through art of parents with low cultural competences.
- Providing parents with the necessary competences in a pandemic situation to createcreative and innovative solutions in the face of social challenges.
- Increasing the quality, purposefulness and added value resulting from increasing the organization's ability to operate at the supranational level in the situation of COVID - 19.
The partners decided to implement the project jointly due to the fact that the partnership will generate benefits for both the target group and the implementers themselves.
The implementation of the partnership project will create added value in the form of extending the territorial scope of the project to the area including partner countries: Poland, Italy, Great Britain, Spain.
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3 (other languages PL)
Result 4 (other languages PL ES IT)
Emotional intelligence and its importance in life
In modern society, one of the main aspects of success besides professional qualification is emotional intelligence. For management positions, it is considered one of the most important competences. In the interaction between colleagues but also with subordinates, the use of other abilities is necessary in addition to intellect, such as controlling your own emotions, using emotions in interacting with the environment, being able to realize the current frame of mind, being able to percip and effectively process the experience of your colleagues, but also to motivate yourself. If we define emotional intelligence as an ability then it would be possible to stimulate its individual areas, which create it. It means, that through its development it is possible to raise satisfaction, but also career growth.
The goal of our project is not only to acquaint partner organizations with what the EI is but at the same time to provide a direct activity that will ensure the increase of the EI of the participants. All partner organizations that we have chosen work with adults or with whole families with the goal of their integration into society and increasing the level of their education.
The participants of our project are adults, who continue to work with adults. Within our project, we will apply different methods to map and extend EI - evaluation sheets, diagnostic aids, tests, training activities, etc. We assume that through the impact of our activities and the direct involvement of partner countries, we will be able to enrich the activities with aspects of a cultural, social, and historical nature. The outcome will be an increase in the emotional intelligence of the participants, but also those who interact with them because we acquire intelligence through social learning. The long-term benefit is exactly the improvement of the quality of life and at the same time the increase of tolerance and openness to new experiences in the population.”.
read more
Please complete the questionnaire: EN
Prosimy o wypełnienie ankiety: PL
The Pursuit of Wisdom in Adult Education
The problem that the project responds to cross‐cultural perspectives on wisdom and adult education. There are few available considerations on the importance of wisdom in the field of adult education. Wisdom enables us to lead a good life - wisdom is a key factor in the construction of a‘good life’”.
The problem for which the project corresponds is the low social awareness about this resource. The needs of solving the problem are important from the point of view of the participating organizations and target groups.
The project is based on an analysis of the real needs of participating organizations and target groups: seniors - adults - young people (Intergeneration Learning IG). Seniors must share their wisdom with those who follow. The partnership consists of six organizations: Poland, Slovakie, Portugal, Malta. Project partnership are made up of organizations that are active in adult adult education. Organisations to educating adults in a way that promotes wisdom in a complex world.
The main objective of the project is to enable organizations to develop and strengthen networks, increase their ability to act at the transnational level, exchange good practices on the learning from the wisdom of seniors.
Specific objectives have been defined and will be achieved thanks to partnership experience:
- Supporting good practices on the intergenerational exchange of knowledge and experience in the transmission of wisdom of seniors.
- Developing educators' competences in the field of Intergenaration Learning.
- Increasing the organization's ability to operate at a supranational level - in a COVID -19 situation.
This materials is available under a Creative Commons license.
Result 1 Portugal
Result 1 Slovak
Result 1 Poland
Result 1 English
Result 2
Result 3 DVD
Youtube link
Kultura zapobiegania ryzyku - rozwój kompetencji edukatorów rodziców
The objective of the project is to elaborate on the current situation in which there is a need to improve the culture of safety in everyday life. Parents' education does not sufficiently cover the subject - Risk culture. Parents do not an opportunity to acquire preventive skills. In everyday life in the family, people are exposed to various threats. It is necessary to promote preventive culture and public awareness of the subject.
It is parents' responsibility to prevent accidents and improve safety at home. However, many parents do not know the real risk that is around us. Therefore, prevention of risk should be learned and taught in order to increase safety and prevent accidents in everyday life.
The current need of the organization is to acquire new competences for the staff involved in parental education. There is a need to expand the educators' skills in preparing educational materials for parents in the area of: Safety culture. We recognize the need to expand educators' knowledge about the culture of risk prevention in the family (The Culture of Risk Prevention). It is necessary to increase information on risk and accident prevention in the home environment. The goal of the organization is to learn about the educational offer addressed to parents in the area of risk prevention.
The second one is directly related to the first need, which concerns involving parents with low competences in educational activities. This is a specific group that experiences educational exclusion. Educational exclusion is associated with activity in various areas of social life, including lifelong learning, the use of information and communication technologies, and social exclusion. The culture of prevention requires a comprehensive preventive approach.
Another need concerns the constant broadening and updating of knowledge about the management of the organization of adult education.
The main goal of the project in relation to the identified needs is to acquire the competence of educators. The project focuses on the education of parents with low competences in the subject of "Culture of safety in the family".
Four specific aims have been defined, which will support the implementation of the main objective:
- Acquiring the competence of educators in the area of culture of safety in the family
- Expanding the competences of parents with a low level of education in the field of prevention of domestic accidents.
- Developing competences in managing the organization of adult education
- Strengthening international contacts and cooperation..
- Uncovering the needs of single parents;
- Development of professional knowledge and skills on single-parent families;
- Increasing scientific studies for single-parent families;
- Developing materials for strengthening single-parent families;
- Reduction of social exclusion and strengthening of single-parent families;
- Resolving the adaptation and behaviour problems of children with the strengthening of single-parent families;
- Raising awareness of the needs of single-parent families.
- Need analysis for single parent families;
- Customized training programme for developing parenting skills of single parents;
- Guide book for trainers on the training programme for developing parenting skills of single parents families;
- Manual for single parent families;
- An outdoor virtual platform.
At the end of the project, there will be resources for single-parent families to be applied by professionals. The programme can be used by organizations such as public education centres, social service centres, NGOs.
- Kırıkkale Family, Labor, and Health Directory, coordinator (Turkiye)
- Kırıkkale University (Turkiye)
- Yenimahalle Guidence and Reserch Center (Turkiye)
- Kirikkale Association for the Development of Lifelong Education and Vocational Training (Turkiye)
- Helix-Helezon (Austria)
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
- Fundacja Family Center (Poland)
(Erasmus + KA204: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for adult education)
Language: Dividing & Uniting - developing language competences of adult education staff
Celem głównym projektu było podniesienie kompetencji lingwistycznych kadry edukacji dorosłych.
Cel główny został osiągnięty poprzez cele szczegółowe:
- Poszerzenie kompetencji edukatorów w zakresie włączania społecznego przez niezawodową edukację osób głuchych i niedosłyszących.
- Zwiększenie grupy adresatów działań edukacyjnych o osoby głuche i niedosłyszące oraz ich otoczenie.
- Rozwijanie kompetencji lingwistycznych kadry edukatorów osób dorosłych.
- Wzmacnianie współpracy międzynarodowej.
Zrealizowane zagraniczne działania dotyczące mobilności edukacyjnych wpisały się w szerszą i długoterminową strategię rozwoju i modernizacji organizacji. Zdobyte doświadczenie i rozwinięte kompetencje zostały włączone do planu strategicznego rozwoju organizacji.
Projekt Zakończony
więcej informacji na www.sawg.pl
Czytaj wiecej
The main objective of the project is to enable organizations to develop and strengthen networks, increase their ability to act at the transnational level, exchange good practices on the role of parents in the protection of the regional dialect.The main objective of the project is to enable organizations to develop and strengthen networks, increase their ability to act at the transnational level, exchange good practices on the role of parents in the protection of the regional dialect.
Read more on project website.
The project "Motivating parents - Upskilling Pathways" POWER AE is valuable and its implementation will bring measurable benefits in the aspect of adult education. The organization intends to implement the project because it needs to improve the competences of educators. The Family Center Foundation wants to implement the project because there is a need to expand the educational offer addressed to parents with low competences.
Adult people educators involved in statutory activities of the Family Centr Foundation will participate in the mobility project of the staff. As a partner is the Foundazione Don Orione ONLUS from Italy.
The main goal of the project is: Development of competencies of educators in the effective motivation of parents with low competences to acquire new skills.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1) Expanding the knowledge of educators in the area of motivating parents to provide non-standard learning,
2) Strengthening the experience in creating an educational offer addressed to low-qualified people.
3) Development of linguistic competences in the field of design: Upskilling pathways.
4) Strengthening the network of organizations and cooperation between them in activities supporting low-qualified target groups.
The project is part of the Adult Education Sector Priorities for 2018, which are:
- Expanding and developing the competence of educators, especially in the field of effective teaching of low-skill adults or the qualifications of reading, writing, mathematical reasoning and digital skills.
- Facilitating access to new skill paths (identifying skills, creating appropriate learning opportunities.
The project will bring benefits in the form of results such as: "Bulletin on good practices - Parenting motivation", presentation on the topic "Paths to improve skills", increased staff competences, greater cultural awareness, greater knowledge of English, e-learning cooperation with the host organization Italian.
The project is in line with the Horizontal Priority which is: Supporting learners in acquiring basic competences and key competences.
The project "Hybrid Stories" is precious in terms of enabling organizations to develop and enhance their network as well as improving the organizations' ability to act on the European level. The project assumes the Exchange of experience and the confrontation of ideas, practices and methods.The proposed project refers to the aims of the action: strategic partnership KA 2. The partnership comprises organizations from five countries of the program Erasmus+.Partners project Hybrid Stories will be retaliate in country: Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia.
Organizations dealing with adult education have undertaken cooperation and are willing to cooperate on the improvement of the quality and usefulness of the Key Competences. The project stands the chance of making positive changes in its environment by building an approach in terms of the education of parents.
The topic of the project encompasses the presentation of the hybrid stories in adult education. Within the project an exchange of experience and good practices on the following issues is planned: Learning about the strengthening of key competences: knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help learners find personal fulfillment and, later in life, find work and take part in society. The exchange of tips and information, Building the collective knowledge of the functioning of a family in context Key competence, These key competences include 'traditional' skills such as communication in one's mother tongue, foreign languages, digital skills, literacy, and basic skills in maths and science, as well as horizontal skills such as learning to learn, social and civic responsibility, initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness, and creativity.
Target Group it is all educational stakeholders interested in the topic and parents. We intend to gather formal partners participating in the project. Additionally, we also actively search for contributors in non-formal groups such as parents' associations or adult education institutions.
The main goal of the project is to exchange practices for effective strategies for activating, counseling and motivating parents with low key competences for development. Specific objectives have been clearly determined and can be attained owing to the character and experience of the partnership.
Read more on project website.
Family Center Foundation activities focused on directly related to project aimed at achieving project objectives:
- Encouraging the exchange of good practices between parents and social animators working in the non-formal language training of foreign minors.
- Encouraging the recognition of non-formal and informal learning as a support element for social inclusion.
- Increasing the international dimension of non-formal training activities, with particular attention to social and cultural disadvantaged people.
- Strengthening the role of parents, socio-educational animators and youth organizations as support for young people in an effective process of social inclusion.
Activities Family Center Foundation aimed at achieving project objectives especially in social inclusion. One of the areas that enables social functioning of children and teens with SEN is formal and non-formal education.
Publication of the Call
Short-term joint staff training events 21-25 May 2018 – Ubuntu, Italy. The transnational training activity for partner staff will be realized through a non-formal methodology using the facilitation method. People Help the People will share meetings in moments of sharing among all participants and moments of work in small groups to choose the practices to be transferred to their organization. The language used in the training activities will be the English language.
The contents of the training will be as follows:
- Presentation of participants
- Social inclusion of children as a tool for building an European identity
- Type of user for each participant
- Methodological and pedagogical aspects
- Procedures and methodologies of social and cultural inclusion for first and second generation immigrants
- Presentation of Good Practices
- Discussion on the transfer of good practices
- Construction of small groups for the organization of the transfer of the good practice chosen.
If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail: info@familycenter.edu.pl or telephon +48 668 283 980.
More details in polish News Letter
Supports parents in educational activities - Parenting Initiative "PI"
Theme of the project deals with the problem of adult education which is supporting parents in educational activities - Parenting Initiative "PI". Support for parents and their education are seen at a European level social investments that help to reduce parental stress and help parents reconcile work with family commitments. The acronym "Pi" - the number of mathematics, which is the international symbol arouses the interest of many people, like the project's theme.
The main objective of the project is to raise awareness about the different models of the participation of parents in the educational systems of European countries and by that modernization of parental education. The rationale of the project is the need to improve and expand its offer of conducting educational activities based on realistic problems parents. The project responds to the critical need which is the recognition of parents' successful co-educators with professional service providers "as a successful co-educators. This is reflected both in the sphere of intellectual (knowledge for the development and upbringing), emotional (parental relationship) and in the area of care and educational activities undertaken by their parents. The project is a response to too low educational offer addressed to a group of parents, mismatch offer to their needs, and insufficient promotion activities.
The project reaches persons through four partner organizations: Foundation Family Center Progresista Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeresy Consumidores de Guadalajara- Spain Academy Kultur Ve Egitim Dernegegi - Turkey Cosortio Cooperative Sociali S.G.S. - Italy
Polish site of the Project
more information about project on https://www.facebook.com/ensiproject.net/ and https://peoplehelpthepeople.eu/2018/05/25/tc1-2/
The areas of cooperation between the school environment and family a chance for young people Early School Leavers (ESL) - Job Shadowing
The aim of the project was the acquisition by the participants competence in innovative solutions that can be applied in the area of cooperation between the school environment and family. This is an opportunity preventing early school leaving in vocational education. Theme of the project concerned the issue of Early School Leavers (ESL). The problem, which corresponded to the project include prevention of early abandonment of school education and to provide career prospects of young people.
The project aims to improve the quality and standard of living of seniors through the arts as a form of preventive health care. The overall objective of the project is to improve the situation of older people through preventive health care by improving efficiency in the area of intellectual, emotional and social. Those interested may contact the project team by contacting the Foundation Family Center. The project contributes to the possibilities of active aging physical and mental health, and opportunities for continued autonomous, independent and fulfilling life even with some functional limitations.
ASOS 2014-2020
Rządowy Program na rzecz Aktywności Społecznej
Osób Starszych na la 2ta 2014-2020
Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej